Privacy Policy


Last Update hace 2 años

What data we process about you, your store and why

Data like mail,owner store name,city, country to provide you the app (e.g., to confirm your identity, to contact you about our products or services, to complete transactions)

To comply with legal requirements

What data we process about your customers and why

Data like Orders, Name, Mail, Phone number, Address of your customers are processed by our apps to allow it to function properly.

It's mainly used for show you the bookings trough app, and to sync with other service like Google Calendar, AirBNB, etc.

How data is stored ?

Only your store informations is stored for analytics purpose (like if you are new to the app or if you already installed it ).

There is no any sensitive data stored like customers data / orders on our end. All the data, is reached on-the-fly by the app from your shopify store when you need it.

Removing the app will completely make us lose access to your data.

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